Feb. 16, 2023

Keep It Canon

Keep It Canon

Arena (Trek: TOS) vs. The Pirates of Tarnoonga (Wars: Droids)

We shout out our first bird listener!

We also reveal a real, actual conspiracy theory about The Force Awakens lifting liberally from...Droids? Kenny also makes the argument that Star...

Arena (Trek: TOS) vs. The Pirates of Tarnoonga (Wars: Droids)

We shout out our first bird listener!

We also reveal a real, actual conspiracy theory about The Force Awakens lifting liberally from...Droids? Kenny also makes the argument that Star Wars is cooler because there's less sex. He also posits that Arena is about "Both-sides-ism." Aspen talks about cultural absolutism vs. cultural relativism. And Kenny is afraid of tiny lizards because they'll tickle him.

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