March 1, 2023

Kirk No Crumbs Slay Jim

Kirk No Crumbs Slay Jim

Court Martial (Trek: TOS) vs. The Revenge of Kybo Ren (Wars: Droids)

Aspen ponders the most important question: Can we get Elijah Wood on the podcast? We talk about which is more important to pop culture – Star Wars or Lord of the Rings. Aspen talks...

Court Martial (Trek: TOS) vs. The Revenge of Kybo Ren (Wars: Droids)

Aspen ponders the most important question: Can we get Elijah Wood on the podcast? We talk about which is more important to pop culture – Star Wars or Lord of the Rings. Aspen talks about the greatness of Cree Summer. Kenny talks about the "fall of a great man" trope. And we chat about the push pull of realistic political fiction versus aspirational fiction.


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